Monday, July 9, 2007

Learning 2.0 Facebook

I have been using Facebook for about a year now. I have used it mostly for personal reasons. Some of my family members were using Facebook so I found it was a good way to share photos and keep them up to date on the activities of my kids. Then, it turned into a fun way to connect with people that I had lost touch with over the years. I now have "friends" in Facebook from college and even high school.

Many people in the library have Facebook pages and I enjoy seeing what everyone is up to each morning when I log in and read the latest feeds.

I have told students that I am in Facebook and they can contact through there but no one has taken me up on it. But, they do email me so once again I think it is because they want to be in their social world and when they need me, they will go where I am.

I like Facebook much better than Myspace because it is a cleaner (in appearance) interface than Myspace. I have gone to some Myspace pages and the background is so cluttered that I can't read the text on the page. Then, the music starts playing and I just have to exit out of the page.

I am a librarian after all so I do like the organization of Facebook over Myspace.

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