Thursday, August 23, 2007

Learning 2.0 Lessons 8 and 9

I have been using a feed reader for a few months and find it really useful. It is so much easier to keep up with the web content that I would like to read. I have even been able to add a few more blogs to my list of places I like to visit. I try to make it a point to visit my bloglines account first thing in the morning (I usually get to work about 20 minutes before everyone else in my department) and spend about 15-20 minutes going through my account. I scan quickly through the new information. I also mark the ones I would like to revisit at a later date. I subscribe to about 25 different feeds so I really don't want to add any more feeds to my already full list. I do however like the new feature in Academic Search Premier that allows me to add a search statement to my feeds and lets me know when new articles appear in the database. This is really cool.

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